Day 2

Tasks Done:

1. Rudders

2. ailerons

3. front top part.

4. sticking everything together.

Tasks left:

making it look like the real one does.

adding all the electronics!! (the expensive part)

Day2 pic1Day2 pic2

Any guess which plane this is?

8 Responses to “Day 2”

  1. asr Says:

    tis a sukhoi?

  2. Playboi Says:

    good guess, but even i find it a little hard to distinguish between a Sukhoi 30 and …. .
    for now, a good difference can be, the cockpit part. Sukhoi’s is a little more bend down types

  3. skp Says:

    wat the fk are u making ?

  4. shiben Says:

    K will not ask wat u making, but what are u using? paper? cardboard? What kind of paper?

  5. Playboi Says:

    its a material called depron. do a google for the same and you will know what exactly it is…

  6. Himanshu Sharma Says:

    Concorde , i guess

  7. tipo Says:

    looks a lot like my personal jet 🙂

  8. Shrek Says:

    @tipo.. does it not fly too?

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